Upcoming events:



Here are 2024 podcasts I've given with their Spotify links:

Epic Gardening/The Beet: https://open.spotify.com/episode/57YEyHjfDMvHs5VtesYZo8

No Till Growers Network: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6vqyCTmoeSsAA6H6xBxVli

Growing for Market: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3PGpI0REjSKDoZf9HGrRkG

Hobby Farms’ Growing Good: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5gBqLngpWPNydoRZwpDrlF

Regenerative Skills: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6ZIixCB9w1R1v13uv9yyuK

The Joe Gardener Show: https://open.spotify.com/episode/39AAFH1k500gm93zRadpYi


I'll be at the following events in 2024:

Marbleseed Conference keynote speaker and Organic University presenter, Feb. 22-24, LaCrosse, WI. 

Lean Farm Start-up 2-day workshop: Spring, May 4-5

Trinity Health Freedom Expo, Sept. 28-29, Indianapolis


Keynotes, podcasts, workshops

I specialize in trainings on how to use the lean (no-waste) system on a farm. I also offer technical trainings how to grow vegetables for market, for small-scale farmers, sharing the methods Clay Bottom Farm uses to earn a living on 1/3 acre.

Recent events have included presentations for Organic Growers of Ireland, Oxford Real Farming Conference (UK), GE Aviation, Lean Enterprise Institute, The Oregon Small Farm Conference, LANTRA Wales (UK), The Landworkers Alliance (UK), Sierra Harvest, ACRES USA, and the National Young Farmer’s Coalition, among others. 


Ben Hartman Bio

Ben Hartman is the author of The Lean Farm, a 2016 winner of the Shingo Institute’s Prestigious Research and Professional Publication Award. He and his wife, Rachel Hershberger, own Clay Bottom Farm in Goshen, Indiana, where they make their living on less than one acre growing and selling specialty produce to restaurants and at a farmers’ market. Hartman was appointed to the 2017 Grist 50, a list of emerging green leaders in the United States. 

Mutual Learning

I love to learn from others. In the best classroom settings, the line between student and teacher is blurry. My presentations include space for conversation, questions, and mutual learning.

Book an event

Use the link below to contact Ben


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